Fall Semester and Watching Fans Fight and Lose Faith

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I’m already a month into the semester and I haven’t typed a word about it. What to say… the internship is going well. I’ve read a number of queries and requested a few full manuscripts. I did a research project that I just handed in today on Lexile measures and BISAC categorizations. I’m not sure what’s next, and that makes me a bit nervous.

The Linguistics course has been very interesting in a difficult-to-grasp kind of way. I’ll leave it at that. I am looking forward to writing my paper on alternative communication for students with language disabilities.

Now, onto something publishing-related, but not necessarily school-related.

A friend mentioned something on Facebook late this afternoon that I admit I have been following all evening. Allegedly, an author with several published works has just published another, and it closely mirrors a fanfiction completed back in 2011. Sections of the fic were adjusted slightly, names were changed, and from what I can gather the plot is generally the same. Someone on Goodreads did a Grammarly plagiarism check, and the new book did not come out smelling very good.

There are several things that bother me about this. The actual authors of the fic have gone onto the book author’s Facebook page and asked that she come clean. While the book author has not responded to them personally, her minions have come out in droves dismissing the fic authors as attention-seekers and encouraging the book author to sue each and every person making a negative comment for libel. Alternately, the supporters of the original fic have also jumped on board to defend their beloved authors. They’ve been calling names and mud-slinging and saying that the book author has done this before, to another fic author in another book (stolen lemon-outcome unknown).

Like most arguments on the Internet, there is no civilized rhetoric. THE ONLY PERSON who has been civilized in this whole debacle is the person who brought the plagiarism to light. She had a very solid case, compared the similar sections, pretty much let the facts speak for themselves. Word got out and spread like wildfire. Camps were formed. The e-books were taken down from B&N and Amazon, then put back up, and now they’re just hard to find.

Then I got to thinking about my unfinished fic. I mean, no person in their right mind would go out there and steal a fic that was 1) unfinished, and 2) canon. But what if I did finish it? I put a lot into that story. If somebody stole it, changed the names and a few scenarios and then put their name on it FOR PROFIT, how would I feel? I’d feel like I’d wasted a good portion of my life, for one thing; and for another, I’d feel robbed. The fans of this book author don’t see it that way. They believe in her, blindly.

The thing that has taken me aback the most is the book author fans that gave up on her. The proof was just too undeniable. They were sad, not mad. Not yet anyway. Some of them wondered what other books weren’t original. I couldn’t imagine losing faith in my favorite author. I don’t even want to think about it.

Of course this has implications for the publisher. Shouldn’t they be the ones running the Word Doc through Grammarly? If they did, why weren’t any flags raised? Was it no big deal because it was fic? Why did the established author think this was okay? Rumor is that she was a fic writer in the same fandom. Doesn’t that mean that she would’ve brought some readers from fic days and that maybe one or two of them would recognize the writing? I mean, EVEN THE STORY TAGLINE WAS IDENTICAL.

I don’t want to make this post all about the who’s and what’s, but if you really want to know, dear reader, leave me a note and I’ll send you the details offline. For now, I’ll just sit on the sideline and watch as this unfolds.

Internship Duty: Marketing Strategy

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My second-to-last internship duty is to report on marketing strategy for the book I edited. The best resource I found was on CreateSpace, which happens to be an Amazon company.

Last duty is a review, so I don’t know that I’ll need a blog entry for that.

On a separate, yet similar note, I will be graduating May 10th, 2014!


Internship Duty: Reader’s Report

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After editing a manuscript, I was asked to write a reader’s report. Instead of asking what a reader’s report was, I Googled it. I’m just putting this here for reference:

Reader Report (intended for acquiring editor written by assistant-type person)

  • 1 or 2 sentence sales handle. What is this and who is it for?
  • 1 or 2 sentence overall description. What happens, briefly?
  • 2 or 3 paragraph plot description.
  • 2 or 3 paragraph analysis. Strengths? Weaknesses?
  • Most importantly – is it publishable?

Ta-da! Google wins again!



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Long time, no update!

My graduate studies are officially half over! I received my spring grades today and I still have a 3.5 CGPA. I’m pleased with that. I wanted straight A’s in all Mass Comm classes during undergrad (the ONE B I received was devastating), but now that I’m in grad school, I’m okay with B’s. Maybe it has something to do with actually making it into grad school and taking two classes per semester and having a full time job and two kids. I’m okay with B’s, as long as they’re paired with an A.

I have both of my internships lined up and the rest of my academic career planned out. I’m taking one class during June and one internship during July. Then my fall semester will consist of a Linguistics and Reading course and the other internship. I’ve actually started working for the fall internship already because I learn best while doing. My final semester next spring will consist of a digital publishing class and a legal environments class.

I know that I want to walk for graduation, but the question I’m facing is how to get there. If we drive it will take 48 hours on the road, round-trip. I can’t imagine surviving that with the kids. Even if we limit the daily drive to eight hours, we’d be on the road for a week. Maybe Amtrak will go part of the distance? We’ll see. But I’m walking regardless! My hood will be gold! Hopefully not 1970s Harvest Gold…

Internship Application #4

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I thought I’d change it up by applying for a job with a literary scouting agency. They didn’t say that I needed to live in NYC and I’m pretty forthcoming with the fact that I would have to work remotely. This is also the first application where they want a writing sample.

In related news, I heard back from Application #2. She seemed enthusiastic and said I could get started right away. I emailed back and let her know my preferences (YA and Mystery, please), but that was Wednesday. I haven’t heard anything since then.

Internship Application #3

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I have run out of contacts in the publishing industry, so now the search is alphabetical. I haven’t heard anything back on the other two applications other than that they received them. I’ll start pushing the panic button in February. I’ll chat with my adviser soon and see what he recommends.

On another somewhat related note, school is going well. I have my syllabi and am somewhat confident that I will be able to keep up well. I’m going to try to spend quality time in the library every week just to be sure.

Internship Application #2

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I have another friend in the publishing industry and she recommended that I apply for an internship with her company. I did just that last night. Although romance and erotica are not my literary cup of tea, it doesn’t mean that I can’t help layout pages or any number of other things. I know I could pre-read if needed, but I’ve come to question my barometer after reading – and hating – the Fifty Shades books.

I should’ve stopped after the first book, nay, the first chapter. I’ll never get that time back.

Internship Application #1

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A friend tipped me off to an internship with the company she is an editorial assistant for. She let me know that there might be an opening in the YA department and she gave me the email address of the executive editorial director.

I am fully aware of how competitive the publishing industry is and I’m not just talking authors either. Internships can go quickly and it is beneficial to actually be in the same city as the publishing house. That’s not the case with me though. I’m as remote as remote can possibly be.

I wish I would’ve put in my cover letter just how old and mature and responsible I am. Maybe that would’ve helped. It did help to have a name to drop. We’ll see what happens. I won’t start the internship until May or June and while that seems like plenty of time, this is just the first application of many.